Thursday, April 30, 2015


Does anyone here know about osteopathy?

I am seeing an osteopath, Dr. Mary Bayno, recommended by NYC's most in-demand vocal coach/therapist, Joan Lader.

I can't believe in the year and a half I've spent seeing countless voice therapists and ENTs, not ONE said, "Gee, maybe we should send her to someone who can physically manipulate and relocate the muscles and bones that are out of line!"

I have had two sessions with Dr. Bayno. The main interferences when I sing are from my hyoid bone and tongue being out of alignment. Both are being pulled to the left by muscles (the hyoid bone is the only bone in the entire human body not connected to other bones; it is held in place entirely by muscles).

It scares the everloving SHIT out of me that my entire laryngeal area is tilting the wrong way.

Dr. Bayno tried to release the tongue during the first session/consultation, but then she said the muscles in the back of my head are so tense that she needs to work on those first before she can release the tongue.

But on the second visit, I said to her, "Do you think we will be able to release the tongue when the time comes?" and she said, "Yup!"

I forgot to ask her if she can realign the hyoid bone, but since it is connected to the tongue, that is probably a given. I found on a website, "Treatment to normalize the thickened suprahyoid tissues and thus to restore the hyoid bone to its natural position produces remarkable results in many cases of throat trouble, such as tonsillitis, pharyngitis, etc. " So we know that osteopaths DO work on realigning the hyoid bone.

Right now I have my middle range. Low range is breathy/gravelly from the tongue depression, high voice wobbles from asymmetry of tongue movement.

If these treatments don't work, I'm jumping off the tallest building I can get to the roof of without security stopping me. Not joking.

Let's pray for the best.

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